Identifying Your Business Sweet Spot

This is an oldie, but goodie Facebook Live from my group Digital Marketing On A Budget for creative women entrepreneurs! As a fellow entrepreneur, I know the challenges we face in standing out from the crowd. That’s why I’m thrilled to share something special with you today – a YouTube video that unveils the secrets to identifying your unique Business Sweet Spot.

In this video, I dive deep into the essence of finding your Business Sweet Spot – that magical intersection where your passion, skills, and market demand converge. It’s not just about having a business; it’s about having a business that reflects your authentic self and captivates your audience in a way that makes you unforgettable. Check out my video below!

Creating content that connects!

Tonya – Strategypreneur™ Coach


Click Strategypreneur™ Coach to view my coaching services!

Identifying Your Business Sweet Spot